History of Scuba Diving
What is Scuba Diving?
The word Scuba is actually an acronym for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. Scuba diving is a kind of underwater diving that requires scuba sets to breathe under water. It may be done for recreation, industrial or commercial purposes. Scuba divers carry their own breathing gas in tanks.
Scuba diving commonly refers to two things.
First, as the activity of diving under water with the aide of a breathing apparatus and swimming gear. As an activity, scuba diving has been generally categorized into skin diving and free diving.
Second, as the equipment used in swimming underwater. As an underwater diving equipment, SCUBA, an open-circuit apparatus allowing the user to breath air contained in a tank, placed over the back of divers. Read below about History of scuba diving.
Early History of scuba diving
During the 16th and 17th century, early innovators developed a diving-bell that holds compressed air within the device. By the 18th century, compressing air into a container able to withstand high pressure was developed. Trapped air was compressed in oak barrels, carried by divers. During this time, waterproof diving suits were also made by placing grease on leather. By the next century, helmets were used in diving. The helmets were linked to a tube taking in air above water. It was also during this time that diving suits were matched with helmets, although the head gear was joined to the suit with straps. After a decade, rubber suits and helmets were sealed to make the equipment airtight.
The invention of underwater technology
By the 1930’s, the basic equipment of scuba diving mask, scuba diving fins and snorkel were widely used. Rubber goggles with glass lenses were developed by Guy Gilpatric in 1930. Scuba fins, or “swimming propellers,” as they were referred to, were patented by Louis de Corlieu in 1933.
In1943 when Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnan redesign and test the first “aqualung,” or open air circuit, we use today. This allowed divers to receive compressed air on the slightest intake of breath.
The first wetsuit was introduced by researchers at the University of California in 1956. The first wetsuits were made by Edco.
This invention revolutionizes the sport of diving. Many plan for adventure diving holidays.
Scuba diving developed out of man’s drive to survive and learn more about life underwater. With new technology, the reasons for wanting to breath underwater diversified. Initially, this was considered as a profession and source of livelihood. Then this became viewed as a scientific research exploration before becoming a recreational activity
Learning How to Scuba Dive
An Adventure in Itself

Before you start dive training, there are a few health requirements. All certifying agencies will require a certificate of good health. This may involve a visit to the family doctor. For most people this will not be a problem and the doctor will give the thumbs up. The few exceptions might be people who have some type of heart or ear problem.
You do not have to be a world class athlete to dive, but you should be reasonably fit. Diving is not a strenuous sport, but there are times that will require a certain degree of fitness: lifting yourself out of the water onto a boat, for example. Also, you don't have to be a great swimmer, just comfortable in the water.
When learning how to scuba dive, certifying agencies will ask you to pass a simple swim qualification test. This consists of negotiating a distance of 200 yards anyway you can. This means any stroke that will enable you to finish the 200 yard is allowed. You will also have to do a surface float. This requires you to keep your head above the water for 10 minutes. You can do this by treading water or just floating on your back. For most people, this is not a problem.
Women, men, kids over the age of 10 years old, people of advancing years, and even many disabled people can learn to dive. Dive training programs have been adapted to make in possible for almost anyone to learn to dive.

Any hobby will require a degree of investment. Diving is no exception. The cost of learning how to scuba dive will vary, depending on where you learn and how you choose to learn. Some people will choose to try diving while on vacation.
Commonly called a resort course, this is a great way to learn to dive. This allows you to do a short course that will include a video, a short academic session with an instructor, and learning four basic skills in the safety and comfort of a pool.
Upon satisfactory completion of these scuba diving lessons, you can make a shallow dive with an instructor. A resort course allows to you try diving without the cost of a full certification. Most people who do complete a resort course go on to a full open water certification class.
Another way to become a certified diver is to do a referral course. With a referral course, you complete the academic and pool sessions at home. Most people can find a dive school or dive club close to home. A referral course allows you to arrange training around your work schedule and family time. You can complete the four open water dives required for certification while on vacation.
WARNING-diving is addictive and you'll wonder how you ever survived without this great experience.

How Not to Get Lost when Scuba Diving
Nothing beats a hand phone when trying to get found.
Well, in the vast, blue ocean, hide and seek can be a dangerously horrifying game if you don’t know your way. So here are some tips for you on how not to get yourself lost while scuba diving.
Make a sound
As scuba divers we have to be prepared with the things that we might actually use if ever we get lost in the sea. Being an aware diver means bringing along anti-lost materials such as plastic whistles, safety sausages, snorkels and a light.
A plastic whistle is a big help for you because sound carries a real long way on water, especially at night. If you don’t have a whistle, you may use air powered horns that are also attached to the low pressure inflator mechanism.
The safety sausage – wonder why they didn’t make it a doughnut
The use of a safety sausage is also an option to consider. These sausages are mostly orange and can be easily spotted by the searchers since this colour is associated with danger and these can also be made to wave, which further increases the visibility. It cannot be clearly seen at night though so you’d want to place an LED pocket light inside the sausage for it to stand out as a beacon.
Light it up
Speaking about LEDs, the pocket light may also be helpful in allowing you to signal at boats, planes, and helicopters and perform the classic SOS (Save our Souls) – 3 long, 3 short, and another 3 long.
If you don’t have these three things with you, you can use other signaling devices such as a mirror or dive light may help you in asking help from the rescuers. And when you think these things isn’t enough for you – put your hand phone in a waterproof container to make sure you get some rescuing when lost.
Just kidding with the last one. But it might just work – though I don’t think you’d risk your iPhone in a 30 meters deep dive. Haha!